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Showing posts from May, 2022

Chapter 16: Symbolic Consumer Behavior

     Let's admit it, there is something extraordinary about receiving a gift.  Whether it's from a dear family member, a neighbor, a classmate, or a stranger, the symbolic meaning stands alone.        Consumer symbolism derives from many things, but culture is one of the primary sources from which it derives.  We have passed on many cultural traditions from generation to generation.  We find that within ourselves when we shop.  Consumers can purchase a vast selection of products at Dollar Tree to keep the tradition and love going.                      Possessions hold a valued part in the consumer's behavior.  They are regarded as unique and irreplaceable.  The price is of little regard, but its message is worth more.  Dollar Tree has been known for being the headquarters for celebrating every event, achievement, and milestone in life....

Chapter 15: Innovations: Adoption, Resistance, and Diffusion

 In order for a company to stay afloat, they would need to innovate their products to retain their customers. Dollar Tree has been implementing innovations to their company recently. One innovation they made to their company was to switch from paper coupons to digital coupons. The program they set up is the Smart Coupons program where the coupons would now be available in their mobile app and website. Through a revamp in their app and website, they were able to implement the Smart Coupons on there to make it easier for consumers to cash in their coupons.  In this day and age, more companies will start innovating by moving a lot of their services online. With technology advancing every year, consumers would need to adapt to these changes with the coupons being available online because Dollar Tree will not be sending anymore paper coupons. Some customers however will refuse to accept this change. The demographic of customers that will struggle with this adaptation are the elderl...

Chapter 14: Psychographics: Values, Personality, and Lifestyles

Examines the effect of these cultural influences on an individual level - namely, on values (deep-held beliefs), personality (consumer traits), and lifestyles (behavioral patterns that are manifestations of values and personality. (Mintap) Values According to the textbook, values are "enduring beliefs about abstract outcomes and behaviors that are good or bad, such as health, independence, family life, and peace." Shaping this into the dollar tree, most of society's pre-pandemic had a lower value view on the dollar tree but compared to now, it is encouraged to shop at a dollar store. The dollar tree may not hold a high materialistic value, but it allows for more sentimental value. With D.I.Y becoming a trend, many handmade gifts have held a higher value for some. Dollar Tree will enable customers to express their emotions fully. Personality Personality is customers' patterns that they may have picked up from growing up or from their parents. Researching and understand...

Chapter 13: Household and Social Class Influences

 Household Influences W hat a customer purchases for a single household is highly influenced by who lives in the household. What they purchase depends on the age groups that live in the household. A good example would be if they have toddlers or infants they would most likely buy toys, baby bottles, and wipes at Dollar Tree because that is what the store provides for that age group. This is showing how an age group that lives in the household (in this case a toddler) influences what a customer will purchase. Sometimes purchase decisions are made by the wife, husband, relative, or children. Dollar Tree takes this into consideration and offers products for different age groups so it is more attractive to consumers.  Social Class Influences Social class influences play a big role in the consumer decision-making process. The first example would be the underprivileged class would be the class that would make purchases from us the most because of our low-cost products that are affor...