After every purchase, customers always think about how the product will turn out to be. Sometimes customers develop post-decision dissonance, where the customer feels discomfort in buying the product they just purchased. Other customers feel some sort of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the products that they bought. It is all determined on the way the customer utilizes the product. It's no different at the Dollar Tree. Customers have different feelings towards different products. For example, some customers can find satisfaction in some of the cleaning products at the dollar store due to the price of the cleaning products. Cleaning products at other retail stores are more expensive than the ones sold at the Dollar Tree. From my experience, I found that some of the cleaning products, like the stain remover, are as effective as the retail brand cleaning supplies.
While some customers can find satisfaction with the products they find at the Dollar Tree, others can feel dissatisfaction and regret with the products they find at the Dollar Tree. Dollar Tree and other stores like it sometimes have the connotation that the low prices on the products mean low quality products. Some customers may regret buying some of the knockoff products at the Dollar Tree due to how ineffective the product is. Customers have different ways on how they respond to their satisfaction. Some of them use the surveys provided by Dollar Tree to see the feedback the customers leave on the product they bought while others show their dissatisfaction by taking it out on the employees at the Dollar Tree. In order for marketers to improve satisfaction in their stores, they need to look at how customers are responding on how satisfied they are with the product in order to find ways to improve satisfaction for customers.
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